How Long Do Parakeets Live as Pets? Age Calculator & Aging Signs

Parakeets, which were first recorded in 1805, are now among the most popular pet birds in the world, thanks to their small size, low maintenance requirements, and flawless imitation abilities. Did you know that parakeets aren’t just one breed? These thin birds with tapering tails come in 115 different species.

It’s difficult to estimate a parakeet’s lifespan because there are so many different types of parakeets in the wild and captivity. It is fairly rare to see a parakeet kept as a pet survive for 10-12 years on average, with some species lasting up to 20 years.

How Long Do Pet Parakeets Live?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how long parakeets can survive as pets. Depending on the species. The typical lifespan of a Monk parakeet is 15-20 years, while the average lifespan of a plain parakeet is 15 years. A budgerigar, on the other hand, can live anywhere from 5 to 10 years.

Improper care can limit the life of your parakeet by many years. In human years, that may not seem like much, but in bird years, it can be extremely disturbing.


Types of Bird Lifespan Pet

Budgie 15-20 Years
Lovebirds 10-15 Years
Amazon Parrots 25-75 Years
African Gray Parrots 40-60 Years
Canaries 10 Years
Cockatoos 18-60 Years depending on species
Macaws 30-50 Years depending on species
Pionus Parrots 20-25 Years
Lorikeets 12-30 Years
Finches 4-9 Years
Eclectus Parrots 25-50 Years depending on species
Cockatiels 8-15 Years

Age Calculator for Parakeets

When it comes to determining the age of your parakeet, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, it is widely assumed that one parakeet year corresponds to approximately 5-6 human years. You can figure out your age on your own. The average human life expectancy is roughly 69 years at the time of writing this blog. To calculate how long your parakeet will live, divide 69 by its age.

In the instance of a simple parakeet, for example:

80/15 = 4.6years
So, in plain parakeets, one year of age is nearly 4.6 human years!
Nonetheless, it’s only a guess. So, keep an eye out for indications of age in your parakeets so you can provide them with better care.

What Are the Signs That My Parakeet Is Growing Older?

Parakeets usually attain full maturity in 1-2 years. The method used to calculate how long parakeets live as pets or how old they are currently is described above. Still, wouldn’t it be nice to be 100 percent certain?
There are a few telltale signals that can help you determine your parakeet’s age.


1. Examine Parakeet’s Cap Feathers 

Stripes on the skull cap of young parakeets less than 3-4 months old will extend to the base of the beak. It will molt for the first time at 3-4 months of age, and the top feathers on the crown will be replaced. Instead of stripes, a crown of feathers will be worn. The color of the parakeet is determined by its breed.

Consider your parakeet to be quite young if its stripes or bars haven’t gone through the first molt.

Note that parakeets of the Albino, Lutino and Recessive Pied breeds are outliers to this rule because they lack the traditional feather markings.

2. Keep an eye on Iris’s color.

Eyes can be a glimpse into a parakeet’s health. Yes, assessing eye health can help you figure out how long parakeets survive as pets. Young women’s eyes are usually dark due to an excess of melanin. They don’t even have irises. If your parakeet’s eyes are pitch black, it’s likely 5 months old or younger.

Parakeets develop dark grey irises between the ages of 4 and 8 months. It can usually only be seen in direct sunlight. Irises on mature parakeets are also light grey or brown. You can confidently assume that the parakeet is at least 8-12 months old or older in that situation.


Note – Lutino, Fallow, Albino, and Lacewing red-eyed parakeet types are exceptions to this rule. Their irises are pink! Recessive Pied and Dark-Eyed Clear parakeets, for example, have dark plum eyes that do not change color throughout time.

3. Examine the Beak’s and Cere’s Colors

Because of high amounts of melanin, baby parakeets younger than three months have a darker beak and cere. The dark tone of the beak and cere will decrease as the parakeet grows older, resulting in blue, violet, pink, or light brown colors, depending on the breed.

4. Examine the Bird’s Leg Band for Signs

It’s the simplest and most evident technique to determine the age of your parakeet. Unless you’ve rescued a parakeet from the wild, parakeets will have a leg band to assist you to determine the bird’s origin and age.

The first and second letters are usually kept for the company that issued the bird band and the breeder, respectively.

Similarly, the third set of numbers on the leg band represents the bird’s birth year, and the fourth set of numbers is the bird’s pedigree number.


If you’re still unsure about the age of your pet parakeet, don’t hesitate to contact the pet store or breeder. They will have the relevant papers to confirm the age of your bird.

Note: The breeder may attempt to sell you an older parakeet masquerading as a younger one. Because the younger ones are more valuable and bring in a lot of money, this is the case. Don’t forget to look into the distinctions between a younger and older parakeet using the above-mentioned signs.

Health Conditions Parakeets Are Susceptible To

Aside from physical injuries from accidents, your parakeets are susceptible to several additional health concerns that are comparable to those that affect other medium or small-sized parrots. A health problem, whether it’s a little wound or a serious infection, can drastically reduce your parakeet’s lifespan.


A. Parasites

Mites such as knemidokoptes can infect parakeets with a scaley build-up on the legs and beak. If not treated promptly with antiparasitic medications like ivermectin, it might result in permanent abnormalities.
In addition, protozoal parasites like trichomonas can attack the throat, causing loss of appetite, coughing, and sneezing. Parakeets are also susceptible to intestinal parasites such as roundworms and threadworms.

B. Candidiasis

Parakeets can also contract candidiasis, a yeast infection that can take hold anywhere in your pet’s digestive system. Its symptoms are identical to those of any other yeast-induced infection, including loose stools, smelly vomiting, and listlessness.

Candidiasis can only be treated with antibacterial drugs. As a result, you must go to the veterinarian. Plan your parakeet’s diet carefully throughout the healing period and avoid offering anything sweet.

C. Injuries

Parakeets are naturally curious creatures. As a result, it’s not uncommon for them to have a little mishap during one of their exploration expeditions. While most of the time it’s harmless, we can’t rule out the chance of food poisoning or bodily harm.


If your parakeet consumes something it shouldn’t, poisoning will result in immediate and serious consequences. As a result, you must ensure that your property is birdproof so that your tiny bird may safely enjoy the trips. When it comes to determining how long parakeets survive as pets, these diseases can be crucial. As a result, call the veterinarian as soon as you see anything unusual.

How to Know  If My Parakeet Is Sick?

Finding out how your little parakeet is feeling can be difficult if you’re a first-time owner. Even seasoned owners can become perplexed since some health issues are asymptotic.

In any case, here’s our handy little list of telltale indications to assist you in better read the symptoms and seek the therapy your parakeet requires.

1. Aggressiveness

If it’s not feeling well, a normally calm parakeet will abruptly avoid human engagement and may snap at you.

2. Dehydration

Parakeets, like all birds, are unable to control sweat and release heat by other means. If your parakeet is panting frequently, has flared nares, a hot beak, and feet, and flutters its wings, he or she is dehydrated or overheated.

3. Sleeping During the Day

Parakeets are busy during the day and sleep throughout the night. If you find your parrot sleeping during the day, this indicates that it isn’t getting enough sleep at night. This could be due to a feather mite infection, which is most active in the dark.


4. There’s a lot of squawking going on.

Although parakeets aren’t known for their quietness, excessive squawking isn’t a common habit. It’s a sign that your pet parrot is in distress if you hear it calling out constantly.

If the excessive squawking isn’t accompanied by other indicators, this can be confusing. Even yet, if the noises continue, a trip to the veterinarian is required.

5. Droppings

More than any other symptom, droppings can reveal a lot about your parakeet’s health. Anything that strays off from the feces style of “burnt popcorn” can be a cause for concern.

Greenish excrement indicates that your bird is not eating enough. Loose droppings suggest diarrhea. Grayish feces can indicate pancreas issues, whereas crimson (blood) excrement is most often owing to intestinal issues.

6. Hot Feet

You must be familiar with the average temperature to determine if your parakeet has hot feet. Observe the temperature of your feet several times a day during the time that the bird is perched on your finger.
Kidney disorders are indicated by unusually warm feet. Don’t get too worked up just now; it could be due to obesity or lack of exercise. With this one, don’t jump to conclusions too quickly.


A parakeet can live for 10-14 years on average. The answer to how long do parakeets live as pets vary depending on the breed. After all, there are at least 115 different types of parakeets. A monk parakeet can live for 15-20 years, whereas a budgerigar might live for anything from 5 to 10 years. Despite the biological clock, you can extend the life of your pet parakeet by a few years. Nutrition, medical visits, housing, and exercise are all important factors in keeping your parakeet healthy.

Charles, the world’s longest-living parakeet, lived for 29 years, according to the Guinness Book of World Records! When it comes to nurturing your pet parakeet, a little additional care and consideration can go a long way.

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